America's Car Museum

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LeMay – America’s Car Museum, a member of America’s Automotive Trust, is an international destination for families and auto enthusiasts to celebrate America’s love affair with the automobile and learn how it shaped our society. Based in Tacoma, Wash., the stunning 165,000-sq.-ft. facility has been recognized as one of MSN’s 10 Best Automotive Museums worldwide, USA Today’s 10 Best Museums in Seattle and KING5’s Best Museum in Western Washington. ACM serves as an educational center for students of all ages, features 12 rotating exhibits and hosts America’s Automotive Trust’s annual Signature Events.

The ACM Collection consists of automotive artifacts and 250 automobiles spanning over 100 years of automotive history, plus approximately another 100 vehicles on exhibit loan from private collections. Unique to ACM is our open storage galleries for collection vehicles not on active display, giving our visitors the opportunity to see the majority of our collection. Our collection celebrates America’s love affair with the automobile and includes both domestic and foreign marques. The vehicles highlighted below are a small representative sampling of the types of vehicles on display at the Museum.

10 am – 5 pm | 7 days a week

The Museum will close at 3 pm on Independence Day, July 4, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, and will be closed all day on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

Adults: $18
Seniors (Age 65+): $16
Military: $16
Students: $14
Youth (Ages 6-12): $10
Child (5 and under): Free
For groups of 10 or more, please visit our Groups page.

Racing Simulator: $8
Slot Car Track: $3

165,000-sq.-ft. museum
3.5-acre show field
Banquet hall
Meeting space
Car storage
Classics by Pacific Grill
Administrative offices
Adjacent to the Tacoma Dome – just off Interstate 5

Preserve America’s automotive treasures
Promote America’s automotive heritage
Offer educational training programs in automotive preservation and restoration
Serve as a gathering place where enthusiasts from around the world come to celebrate America’s love affair with the automobile
A creator of a social network for automotive enthusiasts, serious collectors, educational entities, and museums through promotion of and active involvement in automotive activities around the world
A showcase for the auto industries to portray present achievements and future directions in design, technology, and product development
Form strategic alliances with like-minded institutions desirous of promoting our love affair with the automobile
Develop sponsor partnerships with industry partners to promote education, driving, preservation and other activities

LeMay – America’s Car Museum is a non-profit organization chartered to preserve and interpret the history and technology of the automobile and its influence on American culture. The Museum is dedicated to securing and interpreting the valuable LeMay Collection and to acquiring, preserving and interpreting additional artifacts that explore broad themes of American mobility and lifestyle in an instructive and entertaining manner. The Museum will sustain its vital public service through viable, professional operations and complementary alliances.

Harold and Nancy LeMay amassed the largest privately owned collection of automobiles, other vehicles and related memorabilia in the world. At its peak, the LeMay Collection numbered in excess of 3,000 vehicles and thousands of artifacts. The Collection is broadly American and spans the 20th Century powerfully demonstrating both the dominance of the American auto industry in that time period as well as the American experience with the automobile.

Harold and Nancy intuitively knew the power of the Collection through the experiences they shared with family and friends at car shows and swap meets across the nation. They also knew its power from the stories it elicited from all who spoke with them at their Annual Car Show and Open House which has drawn thousands of people to the LeMay homestead each August for more than a quarter century. Harold and Nancy knew that the power of their Collection would be lost if it, like the wonderful Harrah’s Collection, was ever dispersed individually or in small lots to numerous buyers. It became their dream to ensure their marvelous Collection never suffered the fate that befell Harrah’s.



  • Listing ID: 744
Contact details

2702 East D Street. Tacoma, WA 98421Washington,98421 253.779.8490

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