GSA Fleet Vehicle Sales

 Auto Auctions / by GSA Fleet Vehicle Sales / 872 views / Popular

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is the federal agency that buys new vehicles from the manufactures and leases them to other federal agencies. When a vehicle’s leasing period ends it is sold the public through auction. All GSA auctions are open to the public.   GSA Fleet auction vehicles have been used by government agencies for ordinary transportation purposes. None of the vehicles are tactical military or repossessed vehicles.

mailing address is:

U.S. General Services Administration
Fleet Vehicle Sales
Suite 3400
1800 F Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20405


Who can attend?

GSA Fleet vehicle sales are open to all members of the public. Some auction locations may display signage prohibiting public attendance. Please ignore these signs; they do not apply to GSA Fleet auctions.

What should I know before attending an auction?

Find an auction near you and download a sales list at Read the terms and conditions of GSA Fleet sales completely before attending our auction. Make sure you have the accepted form of payment to pay for the vehicle immediately.

How much does a GSA Fleet Vehicle Auction cost to attend?

There is no cost to attend a GSA Fleet Vehicle Sale.

What do I do once I am at the auction?

The day of the sale, you can register for the sale and use the inventory list to inspect vehicles on the lot at the auction house. You may start the vehicle, but driving is not allowed. To register you must be at least 18 years of age, provide a valid social security or taxpayer ID number, and must not be in debt on any surplus property purchased from the U.S. government.

Can I bid on more than one vehicle?

To increase your chance of a successful bid, review and select several vehicles you would want to bid on. Often several vehicles with the same make and model are being auctioned on the same day.

How does GSA Fleet determine who is awarded the vehicle?

Each vehicle will be sold to the highest responsive bidder. GSA Fleet reserves the right to reject any or all bids including bids in which a bidder would take unfair advantage of the Government or other bidders.

Can I test drive a vehicle before bidding?

During inspection you can start a vehicle to check the performance of its engine, air conditioning, heater, and other accessories. However, the vehicle must stay parked and cannot be driven.

Can I refuse a vehicle after my bid was accepted?

No, Successful bidders are contractually bound to pay for and remove their vehicles from the auction facility within the time period specified. Failure to pay for, or take possession of the vehicle within these time frames may subject the buyer to additional fees/penalties as identified in the SF 114C, or any other special terms and conditions of sale.

How do I pay for my vehicle?

Multiple payment options are available at most auction locations. Typically buyers pay with credit or debit card, cashier’s check or money order. Ask the auction house what methods of payment are accepted.

Why does GSA Fleet sell its vehicles?

GSA Fleet maintains most of its vehicles through leasing arrangements. At the conclusion of its lease (typically 3-5 years), GSA Fleet will sell a vehicle in order to finance its automotive fleet purchases.

What are my advantages in buying a pre-owned GSA Fleet vehicle?

GSA Fleet offers you cars, trucks and other vehicles with low miles and only one previous owner. These vehicles have been well maintained. Our vehicles are carefully detailed before sale and come loaded with most options consumers typically prefer. Additionally, with no buyer’s fees, pre-owned vehicles from GSA usually sell for substantially less than from other sources.

Who is eligible to purchase a GSA Fleet vehicle?

Any member of the public who is at least 18 years of age is eligible to bid at our auctions. GSA employees and members of their immediate households, and auction contractors, subcontractors, and members of their immediate households are prohibited from buying, directly or indirectly, at a GSA Fleet sale. Employees of other government agencies may purchase government property, unless prohibited by their agency regulations.

Am I able to purchase a vehicle for someone else?

Yes. To purchase a vehicle on behalf of other parties, you must furnish their Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number. The attending bidder must furnish a letter granting power of attorney to purchase Federal Surplus Property on behalf of the individual or company you are representing.

Does the Government warranty its vehicles?

GSA Fleet offers to the original purchaser that the property listed in the invitation will conform to its description. However, where applicable, manufacturer’s warranties are transferable. Purchasers should contact their vehicle’s manufacturer to determine whether its warranty remains in force. We cannot attest to the condition of vehicles we sell for other Federal agencies, however known deficiencies will be listed.

How many vehicles does GSA Fleet sell, and when?

GSA Fleet will sell approximately 35,000 vehicles this coming year. Most vehicles will be available between April-September, when a majority of our leases expire, but we conduct sales throughout the entire year.

How do I register my vehicle?

A Government Certificate to Obtain Title (Standard Form 97) and a Purchaser’s Receipt will be issued for each motor vehicle sold. SF-97 is evidence of title ability only and should be used by the purchaser to obtain a proper motor vehicle registration for his or her state.

Does GSA Fleet sell seized vehicles?

No. Seized vehicles are sold by the U.S. Marshals Service and the Department of the Treasury. See U.S. Marshals Service or Department of the Treasury for more information.

Where can I purchase military vehicles?

Information on surplus military vehicles can be obtained from the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service at

Where can I purchase U.S. Postal Service vehicles?

Postal vehicle sales are announced in local post offices, newspapers, and television advertisements. Personal property sales of excess goods are advertised in local newspapers and post offices in the geographic areas where sales are held. Lost, damaged, and unclaimed goods are sold at two sites: St. Paul, MN and Atlanta, GA. To be placed on a mailing list for notices of mail recovery center auctions, write to the appropriate USPS offices listed under “For more information.”


  • Listing ID: 1134
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