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Swigart Automobile Museum

The Swigart Museum contains one of the earliest American Automobile Collections, and it is the oldest automobile museums in the...

 Museums /  Pennsylvania / 739 views / Popular

Mack Trucks Museum

  The Mack Museum was born as a non-profit corporation in 1984 and commemorates Mack history through photos, memorabilia and...

 Museums /  Pennsylvania / 656 views / Popular

Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles

  Pennsylvania’s Transportation History Comes Alive at the Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles Boyertown Museum of Historic VehiclesDiscover Pennsylvania’s Transportation...

 Museums /  Pennsylvania / 570 views / Popular

AACA Museum

  AACA Museum (Antique Automobile Club of America) The AACA Museum, a proud Smithsonian affiliate, is a world-class automotive experience....

 Museums /  Pennsylvania / 733 views / Popular

America On Wheels Museum

The elaborate galleries of America On Wheels feature the vehicles that put our nation, literally, on the road to international...

 Museums /  Pennsylvania / 737 views / Popular


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